

Naturopathy aims to educate the person to look after their own health and the health of their family, minimizing symptoms of any illness, supporting the body’s capacity to heal, and balancing the body so that illness is less likely to occur in the future. Naturopathy blends traditional medicine with conventional healthcare to work with the body on a natural level. A doctor may use naturopathic methods to support modern treatments and surgeries. It is sensible for people to talk to a doctor before changing to or adding naturopathic treatments, as some therapies may interact with existing treatments. 

What does a naturopath do?

Naturopathic doctors design medical care plans to suit individual needs and health conditions. This means the treatment plans they offer can vary, but they all follow similar principles.

Most treatments include food and nutrition for the patients.

A naturopathic doctor will customise recommendations for the individual.

A diet plan will typically use whole foods, for example, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, and whole grains.

The doctor may also offer advice on maximizing nutritional value by eating seasonal, local food.

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Treatments a naturopath may offer